Pray for Snow!

Posted: January 11, 2013 by sievelsg in Uncategorized
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I’m pretty happy that this week is over and I skipped crossfit today because I tweaked my back working on my squat PR on Wed. I need to have the words “go slow” tattooed on the backs of my hands to remind me to build up slowly and not be greedy. I was so determined to break 100# on my squat that I overdid it and now I’m paying for it. Boo. So instead of any great insight or deep thoughts I’ll just share some pictures from Killington last week. It was AMAZING snow, even if we did spend some time stuck in the woods trying to hike our way back out of the trees.


Hello long lost blog!

Posted: January 9, 2013 by sievelsg in Uncategorized
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JVK and I are sucking at this and I would like to fix that because I miss it. I know JVK has been working her booty off at PF and I’ve started back in with crossfit so 2013 will clearly be a great year. Also, JVK has to be in killer shape for her wedding(!!!) so I think she should started keeping us updated on what she’s doing.

Today I caught the noon class at Crossfit Boston and it was a productive one for me. My shoulders were really sore from working on split jerks on Monday, so I was happy to see that today was back squats for strength then Turkish Get Ups and Ring Rows for the WOD. I PRs my back squat by 20# (105) so I was pretty pumped about that, although my hips are really tight and I think it’s limiting my range so I need to work on that. I did the Turkish Get Ups with a 20 lb dumbbell and it was HARD. Luckily I got some great advice on how to improve my form that made it click for me.

I promise I will try not to become this stereotype…

Funny Sports Ecard: How do you know if someone does CrossFit? You'll know because it's all they fucking talk about.

Post Marathon blues

Posted: October 30, 2012 by JVK in Uncategorized

I fully intend to write a long post about my marathon experience and overarching thoughts on the whole 4 month training process and the end results, but alas that is not this post.  Just want to inform our few followers that I am alive, I did finish the marathon and I am continuing posting, although i have been very infrequent recently.  Here is a pic of me at the finish

Fall Running

Posted: October 26, 2012 by sievelsg in Uncategorized
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Went for a quick run on Tuesday with a friend to keep my legs moving for the Devil’s Chase this weekend in Salem. This season is such a mixed bag for me when it comes to working out. I hate the extra clothes, darker afternoons and the cool air makes my ears hurt when I run for some reason (probably cause I can’t run with my mouth shut), but i LOVE running in New England in the fall for the scenery, I don’t sweat as much, and I love long sleeve tech shirts for no good reason. 

The 6.66 mile run tomorrow will be interesting since I haven’t run more than 5 miles since Tough Mudder but I’ve been promised that it’s flat. I picked up a pretty sweet red wig w/devil’s horns and some red fishnet tights that will go under my running capris for the race. Contemplated red facepaint but I realized that if we are going to be spending the day in Salem that might not be my best look, especially once it mixes with sweat.

Happy Friday, here’s to a hurricane free weekend 🙂

Cleo loves Rowers

Posted: October 23, 2012 by sievelsg in Smo, Uncategorized
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Took the wee beastie down to the river with me on Saturday and caught what I think is a pretty cute picture. Hopefully the water in the river is as clean as they say it is cause she snagged a few laps before I pulled her out:

Cleo checking out the river

I had a great blog post all written up about a Plank Challenge JVK and I are going to do this month, and the Oak Scare 5k I ran on Sunday, and the Devil’s Chase 6.66 miler we’re running on Saturday but somehow my blog ate it when I tried to add this picture to it. So here’s a picture I took over the weekend from the Head of the Charles. It was a beautiful weekend for running and rowing and I hope this coming weekend will be the same!Head of the Charles

End of Head of the Charles on a beautiful October Saturday

I’m starting to realize that I suck at solo training. I do much better as part of a group, team or with a partner and its’ a real struggle to hold myself accountable for my workouts. Part of this is that I usually have some far-off goal that I’m trying to achieve and when I think about it I get overwhelmed and it seems impossible so I lose my drive and give up. I was talking to a friend who’s running the same 1/2 as me in October and we were comparing training notes and I started to feel really anxious about it and beating myself up mentally for not making all my scheduled workouts. I’ve been in this viscous cycle of scheduling a morning workout then staying up too late and not having the energy in the morning so then telling myself I will do it after work, then work is crazy and drags into the 8-9pm range and by the time I’m done with that I am mentally shot and all I want to do is have a glass of wine and stare at the TV. I know very well that if I just forced myself to do SOMETHING before work, full on workout or no, I would feel better and have more energy but inertia is a cruel mistress and I am in such a pit right now.

This morning as I was filtering through my emails I struck inspirational gold in an unlikely place. I’ve started actually reading the Spartan Race WOD emails that I’ve been subscribed to for ages and am using them as my cross training in my 1/2 marathon training. The workouts are great; effective, simple and quick which is perfect for me. This morning’s email had a short little post along with the WOD that completely hit home for me:

“We get stronger one workout at a time. Don’t let your mind get cluttered with plans and worries about the future when you can focus on the workout that is immediately before you. Be present in your workout. Concentrate. Enjoy it!”

One step at a time

I’m not usually a big “revelation” kind of person. I make my changes in small incremental steps be they physical or mental. For some reason those I really feel like this little quote is going to help me get back on track. I plan on making it the background on my phone and posting it on my mirror in my bedroom so I see it every morning. I used to love working out and somewhere in the past few years or so I’ve lost that and I’ve started to feel anxiety and guilt instead of just basic enjoyment of being physical and burning off stress. The idea of just focusing on one workout at a time feels like a relief and my new goal is simply to do something physical every day and not beat myself up when I don’t work out “hard enough”. One thing I always have enjoyed about yoga is that it is truly a practice that is in the moment. I never did yoga to get better at it, to get faster, stronger, etc. I’ve always just done it because it feels good and makes me happy. At this age (32), that’s really what all my workouts should be. I’m not going to set any running records, I’m not going to wow anyone with my physical prowess, I’m not training for the future professional athlete I was sure I would become when I was 12, I’m just doing it for my own physical and mental well being.

I have sadly been exposed to a lot of addiction and recovery programs in my life, and while not always pleasant I have learned a lot from those experiences. This may seem pretty out of context in this post, but the idea of not letting anxiety about the future derail you today is a constant theme in many 12 step programs and for good reason. A day is a manageable time increment. It’s not totally scary to say “Today I will not eat fried food for dinner and I will run 3 miles.” That feels completely doable, right? When you put that beside a long-term goal, say “In 6 months I will lose 40 pounds and run a 10k.” Realistically, that is a very feasible goal but to achieve it you have to have successful days turn into successful months. If you screw up one day and let that discourage you, that sense of failure/guilt can snowball and become very negative. On the flip side, if you take it “one day at a time” like they preach in programs like AA, you learn to just do the best you can for that one day. If you mess up, reflect on what went wrong, learn from it, then get over it. The next morning when you wake up, it’s another opportunity to have a successful day.

Someone close to me who has been drug through the wringer of watching a loved one battle addiction with mixed success has told me over and over again to be very careful of your expectations for yourself and others. The saying he quotes is “Resentment is the result of unfulfilled expectations.” At the risk of sounding very preachy/touchy-feeling with this post, I do think that most of us would benefit from letting go of some of the expectations we put on ourselves and others, especially in the areas we have little to no control over. If you place unrealistic expectations on yourself or those around you, you are really setting yourself up for disappointment and failure. I’m not saying you should float through life with no purpose or goals for yourself, but if you find that you are constantly discouraged in yourself, consider cutting yourself some slack. Set one small attainable goal today and celebrate it’s success. If you never leave your desk, go for a 20 minute walk and feel good that you did. Make a healthy choice at lunch and feel proud of yourself. If you have a long term goal, try breaking it up into smaller increments and celebrate those successes along the way. Life will get in the way of the best laid plans sometimes and that’s ok, practice starting each day with the outlook that it’s tabula rasa – a clean slate. Yesterday’s mistakes won’t hold you back, learn from them so you don’t repeat them but use it as a learning experience and continue to grow. Tomorrow isn’t here yet, so worrying about it does you no good. Keep your big goals in the back of your mind, but stay focused on today.

I know it’s not going to be easy to get out of my rut, but I am starting today. One of my favorite quotes is “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” (Sadly, I had to look up the source, it’s from the Chinese philosepher Lau-tzu). This is going to be my new mantra. I’m embracing all the cliches, “Before you can run, you have to learn to walk.”

One day at a time


My Avocado Revelation

Posted: August 15, 2012 by JVK in JVK
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California avocados are so big that every time I am going to eat one I think “This must be what an ostrich egg is like.” So today I pretended I had an ostrich egg with my lunch and held if very gently while walking back to my desk.  Then I felt like the episode of Seinfeld where the guy cradles the mango in jury duty, so I immediately stopped.  This is my daily relationship with food! yes I am going crazy

I just saw on that today is national watermelon day so I feel compelled to share this recipe with you. I had this for the first time when I was on the cape with my in-laws and it was so good I had to recreate it. My first batch was WAY too spicy, but I still ate all of it. I made my second batch for a friend’s birthday this week and I was very happy with how it turned out and I am 99% sure that I figured out the ingredient I had been missing. The beauty of gazpacho is that you can throw in almost any kind of veggie you want and it will just alter the flavor of the soup without ruining it. If you want something heartier add tomatoes, something fresher, add celery. You really can’t go wrong. Here’s what I settled on for my version:


Cucumber and Watermelon Gazpacho:

1/2 a seedless watermelon cut into chunks (or one package of pre-cut watermelon from the grocery store)
2 large peeled cucumbers cut into chunks
1 or 2 bell peppers seeded and cut in fourths, I like red or orange just to keep the color appetizing
1/2 a large onion or a whole small one, cut into chunks
Handful of Basil, as much as you want depending on how much of the flavor you want to come through
Handful of Parsley, this is optional but I like the way it tastes
3 or 4 tablespoons of Mascarpone cheese, this is optional if you want to keep it vegan or healthier, but it brings out the sweetness of the watermelon really well. You can also add sour cream or creme fraiche if you prefer
1 seeded and chopped jalapeno, also optional but I like the touch of heat this adds. You could also use a pinch of wasabi or horseradish or a dash of hot sauce. Just keep in mind that the heat really spreads out in this since it’s very liquid so a little goes a loooong way.
1 or 2 tablespoons of olive oil
Salt and Pepper to taste

Just toss everything into a food processor and puree away. Some people like chunks of fruit in their soup and will set aside some diced watermelon and cucumber to add back in after pureeing, but I like the whole thing nice and smooth. 

Once the texture is to your liking, just toss it in the fridge and enjoy! I personally thing the flavor gets better after a day or two and it’s so refreshing on a hot afternoon or evening. 


With JVK and I both training for long distance races, we have been talking a lot about running music. Sometimes I like to run without music, especially when I’m running somewhere peaceful or when I’m running with my dog (so I can talk to her like a weirdo and listen to make sure she isn’t panting too hard), but when I’m running in the city I like to run with my headphones in for some background music. I know some people really frown upon biking, riding, skiing, etc. with headphones in, but I feel like it’s ok as long as you don’t crank the music up so loud that you can’t hear things around you. I keep my music quiet enough to hear bikes behind me, cars coming, etc. The last thing I want to do is get leveled by someone on a bike or hit by a car, so I try to keep as aware of my surroundings as possible. That being said, rocking out to Guns n’ Roses in mile 6 of my 8 miler last night really helped me keep my pace up and my mental state a little better.

It’s hard to share running music because we all have different taste, but I’m going to share not only my personal current running playlist (no judging!), but also a few good resources for inspiration:

My Playlist:

What’s funny about this list when I look at it is that it’s full of hip hop and rap. I listen almost exclusively to classic rock and jam bands, but for some reason my running songs are always outside of my normal preferences. There are a handful of Phish songs I run to, and a couple of Dead, but in general I like my running music to have a steady, driving beat,  be up tempo, and short because I get bored quickly when I’m running in town on the sidewalk so I need to have my music switch up quickly. I always shuffle my playlists so my runs are never the same, and I make new playlists every few months when my current ones start to seem tedious.

Maybe you don’t love these songs, but one thing that you can take away from this list is the beats per minute correlation to your pace. I recently found the website Run 2 Rhythm that has a plethora of information on running music, and some for-purchase playlists for particular speeds/workouts. One thing I found very helpful was their chart that will help you map the BPM  you want in your music to match particular paces.

Once you know your ideal BPM, you can figure out the BPM on your favorite songs to decide which ones will be the best for your playlist. Tools like the BPM Calculator or the Mix Meister can help you accomplish this. If you don’t want to take the time to go through your own music, Gizmodo has done the legwork for you and come up with The Most Mathematically Perfect Playlist for Running. it links to two Spotify  playlists that you can take for your own use. Speaking of Spotify, you can also just type in Running into their search and you will get tons of results from other Spotify users and some of them have been kind enough to include the BPM in the playlist titles.

Itunes also has some good options though most of them are not free. They do offer some pre-made playlists that include voice-over coaching which some people really like. Motion Traxx in particular does a good job of this and they now have free podcasts available.

I am always on the lookout for new running music so am constantly asking people what their favorites are. I’ve gotten answers ranging from Classical to Country, Britney Spears to Simon and Garfunkel and I never get tired of hearing new music.

If you had to just pick one, what’s your favorite running song? Mine is and always will be Sweet Child o’ Mine, but clearly I don’t discriminate against any music genres 🙂