Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

…and we’re back?!?!?

Posted: June 18, 2014 by JVK in Uncategorized

after a long hiatus i felt like writing again.  and update on life stats…

I turned 30 in October, like WOAH!

I’m no longer playing Rugby, just running, yoga, and the usual gym routines to stay fit.

I got married in March in Jamaica!  woohooo… I ran a Half Marathon with one of my bridesmaids the weekend before which was awesome.  I also ran the morning of the wedding on the beach in Jamaica.  It was definitely not your traditional pre-wedding prep, but it was so me.  I also had a very lean muscley arm in the photos of my embrace with the hubby on our first kiss.  My arms are my thing I guess, which is nice that I feel like I don’t need to consistently work that one body part out.

I guess everyone told me 30 was the age they remember feeling like their body changed and it wasn’t all french fries and 5k’s anymore with no weight gain.  I definitely have noticed over the past year that I can easily put on anywhere from 5-10lbs in a few weeks before I even realize it.  And it def. is a bigger struggle to take it back off.

I’ve been loving hot yoga for an extra sweaty workout that is always a challenge no matter how in shape  I am.  the class i have been going to is a fusion class so it blends various styles of yoga so it is never the same workout which I love.

Sarah and I are doing the ROC Race at Gillette Stadium in August, which I am also super excited about.  Looks like it will be a blast and totally fun time.  Think wipe out with a 5k mixed in!

Thats all for now… hopefully I will write more often!

Oh also I got a Fitbit, so if you have one message me and we can follow each other!


Posted: June 10, 2013 by sievelsg in Uncategorized

As of the first of this month I am 33. That is mind blowing to me because I still feel “young” but the truth is that I’m closer to 40 than 20! My husband has a magnet on our fridge that says “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were?” and I love that and always think about it when people ask my age. My current first reaction is 30 even though that was three years ago now. At least I now kind of feel like I’m in the right decade. 

I haven’t had much to write about recently, mostly because I have been super-slacking fitness wise. I have such a bad tendency to talk myself out of a run, walk, etc. when I’ve been out of the habit of it. I tell myself that I will “start tomorrow” or “start Monday” when it’s been a while since I was last in a good routine. That kind of rationalization can really hamper your health. My goal for my 34th year here is to stop the procrastinating and just make attempts when I have the time and energy. I don’t have to be perfect 7 days a week, but if I had 3 or 4 “good” days in there, or 5 or 6 “healthy” meals that’s so much better than 7 days in a row of saying, “I’ll just lie here on the couch and order pizza for dinner, on Monday I’ll hit the gym and eat nothing but veggies.”

My little running buddy (the dog) is as out of shape as I am, so she and I both need to go slow and ease back into our routine.

2 posts in a row! tic tac toe!

Posted: June 6, 2013 by JVK in Uncategorized

Ok that is not tic tac toe, but it rhymed… anywaayyys….

This morning I had fully intended to take a pic to blog about my new breakfast of choice but I drank it too fast so I will try to do that tomorrow.  Instead you get my favorite lunch…

photo (2)


Spinach, Tomatoe, Avocado, Cucumbers, Almond slivers, and blue cheese, or gorgonzola, I forget.

This morning I had a pretty tough workout at the gym.  I ran 1.5 miles for a warm up at a gradually accelerating pace.  Got it up to 6.5 min miles!  BAM!  Then I I hijacked a trainers workout that they had made for someone else and that they had posted on the wall.  It was an alternating TRX/kettlebell doozy.  I know my legs are gonna be hurting tomorrow from all the kettlebells swings.  I did three circuits of 6 different excersises and in between I did 100 jumping jacks.  After the 3rd round I did 200 jumping jacks.

Jumping jacks are a full body workout, I think even my intestines were mad at me… TMI.  It felt good to end those jacks gasping for breath and my legs were jellyish.  If you want a good quick workout do a few 100 rep sets of jacks… trust me you won’t regret it and you will see how I felt. They were slow ones either I tried to jump as fast as I could.

Till tomorrow…

Baby Carrots Won’t Kill You

Posted: May 22, 2013 by sievelsg in Uncategorized

Just to elaborate on our intellectually stimulating convo from today, this is what I was talking about:

This rumor had me so freaked out that I had stopped eating baby carrots altogether even though I love them (especially with hummus). I’m very glad that told me they won’t kill me. They are extra-good roasted w/brussels sprouts and bacon! Seriously, try it. It will change your world.

Time to Restart Blogging…

Posted: May 22, 2013 by JVK in Uncategorized

Our intellectual convo today:

me:  Discovery,
petite carrots are better than baby carrots
I dunno why
maybe cuz they are more the thickness of frenchfries
 Sarah:  have you heard about baby carrots?!?!
 me:  what?
what about them
the suspense is killing me
 Sarah:  well i just looked up what i was about to tell you to make sure it was true
and i think it’s an urban legend
but todd told me that they were soaked in chlorine
but apparently they just use a little, which is like what’s in tap water
so nevermind
 me:  hahaha
to kill the dirt prob cuz carrots are grown in the ground
And we shall blog more, because of how funny we are and how much we miss being gym buddies! Our blogs will hold us accountable, starting….. NOW!

Beast Mode!

Posted: February 27, 2013 by sievelsg in Uncategorized
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We’re at it again, this time it’s the Spartan Beast at Killington, VT.

We have about 7 months to train for this, so we really have no excuse but I’m sure I will find some 🙂 I’m excited for this race, the Spartan Race was the first obstacle style race JVK and I did, and it was back when they only had one option (5k) so it will be interesting to see how it’s grown! Can’t believe our first race was 3 (I think?) years ago!


I also have a $10 off coupon for this race is anyone feels motivated to join us. First comment gets it!


Is Less More?

Posted: January 23, 2013 by sievelsg in Uncategorized
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Yesterday morning I was scrambling around the apartment trying to get ready for work I ran into three time-suckers that I find incredibly annoying but for some reason I haven’t done anything about it. I have too much stuff. Mostly clothes and shoes, also makeup and accessories. I was reading this article on simplifying your wardrobe and I am going to make some time to evaluate EVERYTHING in my closet and drawers. Off the top of my head, I think I have 4 black dresses that are all very similar, 40 pairs of shoes, 5 bathing suits, 20-25 t-shirts, 7-8 pairs of jeans, 4-5 pairs of dress pants that I haven’t worn since my business casual days, a million tank tops that I don’t love, sweaters that don’t really fit, jewelry I don’t like (cheap trendy stuff), way too many pairs of underwear, ratty workout clothes that I hate, etc. I think I am going to come up with a list of how many of each item I need and pair it down to that number. I do not NEED 3 pairs of sweatpants with the cuffs cut off…actually I probably don’t need any of those. I am going to try to sell the high quality stuff and put that money in the bank to save for some high quality items I do need (a new suit, a nice belt). 

Some of that old crap will be hard to part with, race t-shirts, team sweatshirts, etc. but once it’s gone I won’t miss it. I don’t need a t-shirt to remember how much fun I had in college or the fact that I ran a race, I have photos for that and they take up WAY less space 🙂

Search Terms and Back Aches

Posted: January 22, 2013 by sievelsg in Uncategorized

I was just checking out the stats on our blog and some of the search phrases that brought people here are hilarious. There are a TON about Jillian Michaels (JVK, that’s your doing) and my personal favorite “nobody “likes” burpee’s”, but some of them are just so out of left field it’s amazing. 

Just a random thought while I’m taking a break from the gym waiting for my back to heal up the rest of the way. So far so good. One big lesson learned with this round of back issues is that you should never put heat on a sprained/strained back because you’re just adding to the inflammation. Considering how many breaks, sprains, bruises, etc. I’ve had over the years you would think that this would be common sense but putting a heating pad on my sore back always feels so good. Unfortunately, the best thing you can do it ice, ice, ice. That’s not a ton of fun when it’s seven degrees outside but I’m bouncing back from this sprain so much better than last year it’s unbelievable. I owe it all to this little guy (and ibuprofen):



Pray for Snow!

Posted: January 11, 2013 by sievelsg in Uncategorized
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I’m pretty happy that this week is over and I skipped crossfit today because I tweaked my back working on my squat PR on Wed. I need to have the words “go slow” tattooed on the backs of my hands to remind me to build up slowly and not be greedy. I was so determined to break 100# on my squat that I overdid it and now I’m paying for it. Boo. So instead of any great insight or deep thoughts I’ll just share some pictures from Killington last week. It was AMAZING snow, even if we did spend some time stuck in the woods trying to hike our way back out of the trees.


Hello long lost blog!

Posted: January 9, 2013 by sievelsg in Uncategorized
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JVK and I are sucking at this and I would like to fix that because I miss it. I know JVK has been working her booty off at PF and I’ve started back in with crossfit so 2013 will clearly be a great year. Also, JVK has to be in killer shape for her wedding(!!!) so I think she should started keeping us updated on what she’s doing.

Today I caught the noon class at Crossfit Boston and it was a productive one for me. My shoulders were really sore from working on split jerks on Monday, so I was happy to see that today was back squats for strength then Turkish Get Ups and Ring Rows for the WOD. I PRs my back squat by 20# (105) so I was pretty pumped about that, although my hips are really tight and I think it’s limiting my range so I need to work on that. I did the Turkish Get Ups with a 20 lb dumbbell and it was HARD. Luckily I got some great advice on how to improve my form that made it click for me.

I promise I will try not to become this stereotype…

Funny Sports Ecard: How do you know if someone does CrossFit? You'll know because it's all they fucking talk about.